OK, that might sound a bit harsh, but I just found the death notice for my grandfather in a pile of photos and papers while cleaning out my parents' house. To say the information is scarce is putting it mildly. The notice lists my grandfather's name (no date or place of birth), my grandmother's first name (no maiden name, no number of years married), the married names of their two daughters (no identification of the husbands) and then that there were four grandchildren. There were only four of us, couldn't you have sprung for a few extra words and named us off, Grandma?
Too often we forget the purpose of a death notice is more that to say so and so died. It is to give a capsule version of their life and family; those who meant a great deal to the deceased. As a genealogist, the purpose is to leave a trail for future researchers to follow. So, as I alluded to, I am cleaning out my parents' house due to the recent death of my father. I had control of the notice that was placed. Future researchers, you are welcome!
#DeathNotices #Obituaries #Genealogy
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