Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wow! I'm Missing Stuff!

As promised, I actually viewed the introduction video for #GenDetective.  It was quite well done and really gave me the information needed to start using a sample GEDCOM file.  I uploaded the same GEDCOM I have been using for FamilyTreeDNA and then hit the Analyze button.   The reports were easy to read and are simple checklists of what information (documents) should be recorded and what have not.

Based on birth location and subsequent residence reporting and death date, the program calculates which census (both state and federal) the ancestor should have appeared in and reports back.

All in all, it was quick and easy to use.   I only uploaded through my 2nd great grandparents and only my direct line, but I have a great deal of hope for using this for other "clumps" of my database.  I cannot see uploading the entire database of 40,000+ records and then trying to generate reports.   At least, not until I have done a lot more work.

#GenDetective #GenealogyDoOver #Week4 #Genealogy

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Software To Try

OK, as part of the #GenealogyDoOver, I figured I would see what tools were out there that I have ignored for various reasons.   I still like #LegacyFamilyTree8 for my database and have been a #Clooz user since time began, but there are a lot more tools and it was time to explore.  Thanks to #DickEastman I have installed #GenomeMate to help with the DNA match analysis and #GenScriber is a great help in transcribing document images and then being able to zero in on sections to really see what is written.  But, now I venture into my own exploration with #Heredis, #Evidentia, and #GenDetective.  

I think of myself as being able to find my way through pretty much any computer program -- I have been working with computers for over 40 years in design, program, debug, implement, so I have a good background. Evidentia is pretty straight forward -- but I will sign up for the on line Google Hangout as soon as my computer issues allow.   Heredis is OK, but needs more of my time.   GenDetective is a big QUESTION.   Luckily, they provide a video to explain how to use it.   So, next entry will be after I have taken the time to watch the video and really given GenDetective a fair shot.

#Genealogy #RootsTech

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, Fresh Start

Thomas MacEntee has initiated a Genealogy Do Over for 2015.  As of today there are over 1,100 of us signed up to give this a whack.   It is a ground up approach to restart our Genealogy Research.  In our restart efforts we will learn how to track research, cite sources, evaluate evidence and more!

I started to get back to basics and just search as if I had never looked for some of my ancestors before during December.  The results were quite surprising.

Members of the group have posted a number of tools that may be of assistance.

2015 Genealogy Do Over Web Page

#GenealogyDoOver #Genealogy #Research