OK, as part of the #GenealogyDoOver, I figured I would see what tools were out there that I have ignored for various reasons. I still like #LegacyFamilyTree8 for my database and have been a #Clooz user since time began, but there are a lot more tools and it was time to explore. Thanks to #DickEastman I have installed #GenomeMate to help with the DNA match analysis and #GenScriber is a great help in transcribing document images and then being able to zero in on sections to really see what is written. But, now I venture into my own exploration with #Heredis, #Evidentia, and #GenDetective.
I think of myself as being able to find my way through pretty much any computer program -- I have been working with computers for over 40 years in design, program, debug, implement, so I have a good background. Evidentia is pretty straight forward -- but I will sign up for the on line Google Hangout as soon as my computer issues allow. Heredis is OK, but needs more of my time. GenDetective is a big QUESTION. Luckily, they provide a video to explain how to use it. So, next entry will be after I have taken the time to watch the video and really given GenDetective a fair shot.
#Genealogy #RootsTech
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