Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Another Great Great Grandfather.

Jumping on the success of finding GG Grandfather, Ellis Shaul, I thought I would just hunt and peck for anyone else's obituary that I could find.   Well, there popped up the obituary of GG GRandfather, Ezra Peter Koontz:

Ligonier Leader, 31 January 1907

Obituary -- Ezra P. Koontz

Ezra Peter Koontz was born at Navarre, Ohio, May 15, 1832.  He came to Indiana in 1846, walking from Ft.Wayne to Ligonier where he was engaged in manufacturing of chairs for a year or more.  He went to Markle, Ind., where he was married to Mary Ann Allen April 11, 1853.   To this union was born four children: Ephraim R., who died in infancy; Casmear P. of Columbus, O., Harriet H. J. Smith of Port Clinton, O.,  Orrin D. of Glenville, Minn,

In 1863 he moved to Huntington, Ind., remaining there a year.   He then moved to Ft. Wayne, Ind. where on Sept 7, 1864, the wife and mother answered the devine summons from this life here to a life of the blessed, beyond this world of pain.  After the death of his wife he removed to Navarre, O., leaving the motherless children with their grandmother.  He soon returned to Indiana, settling in Ligonier in the spring of 1865, where he engaged in the manufacture of furniture for thirty years.

He was married to Mary Anna Sibert in Ligonier, Ind., Dec 29, 1867.   To this union there were three children born:  Phineas H., who died at the age of six years; Ezra B. E. of Savage, Neb, Geo D. of Chicago, Ill.

The children were all present the funeral except one, who arrived later.

Mr. Koontz answered the roll call on Monday morning at 4 o'clock, Jan 21, 1907, aged 74 years, 8 months, and 6 days.   The lamp of this temporal life went out, but to be relighted on the shores of God's eternal bliss.

Those present from a distance were:  Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Koontz, Columbus, O.; Dr. Sirvenius [Sylvanis] Koontz, Roanoke, Ind.; Mr. Wm. Koontz, Roanoke, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Koontz, Milford, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Tuff and daughter, Gladys, Kendallville, Ind.; Messrs Harry and Herman Smith, Port Clinton, O.

Card of Thanks

We desire to than the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of husband and father.

Mrs. E. P. Koontz and Children

OK, most of this is old news.  BUT, WHO ARE:

  • Dr. Sirvenius [Sylvanis] Koontz, Roanoke, Ind.; 
  • Mr. Wm. Koontz, Roanoke, Ind.; 
  • Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Koontz, Milford, Ind.;
  • Mr. and Mrs. Tuff and daughter, Gladys, Kendallville, Ind. 
They have never appeared anywhere before.     Another door has opened.   More research. 

#Obituaries #Genealogy #Koontz #GenealogyDoOver

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