Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Not to get all techie, but ....

I have just downloaded a couple of new pieces of software that I find interesting.   One I have used and one I intend to start using tomorrow.   The one I have used is called GenScriber #GenScriber and it is #FreeGenealogySoftware .  This is a wonderful tool.  It allows you to pull in a jpg of a document (i.e. census sheet) downloaded from #FamilySearch, etc. and had templates for the fields available by year.  The image can be magnified as needed to make out the enumerators handwriting.   Once completed, the work can be saved as a CSV file.  The information can also be exported as a pdf among other formats.   I found this to be a great tool.  Much easier than trying to write the information down on a form while looking at the screen.

I have one #ImprovementSuggestion and that is to have the ability to enter the census header information as well as the line item information.   Other than that, I find #GenScriber to be a nice addition.  Thank you #DickEastman for the article on the software!

Now for the second piece of software, #Evidencia.   As I said, I have not started to use it yet, but I am a bit perturbed with the vendor since they sent me an email to sign up for a class on how to use the software.   When I click on the sign up button,it takes me to a page on their web site that says there are no events.   Really bad form.   If there is nothing to offer, do not sent out an offer!!


Monday, December 29, 2014

Hope Your Relative is Dead

That is one of my favorite quotes from presentations by Dr. Deborah A Abbott ( #DeborahAbbott) - always hope that your ancestor is dead, because then you might find a record of them.   The recently announced Michigan Probate Records (#MichiganProbateRecords) being available on got me hoping to find my great grandfather's probate records.  He died in 1929 in Wayne County which is one of the last years that is loaded for that county.   No luck!!   Then I looked at Oakland County.   The first year loaded was just a couple of years prior to my great great great great grandfather's death.   Now, there is no index to the images.   So, being a good mathematician, I applied a binary search process.   BINGO!!!  I found the Probate Record.   A new piece of gold.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Must Keep Digging, Sometimes More Than Dirt Appears

I decided to document my search for my great great grandfather, Ezra Peter Koontz.  I had very sketchy information and I wanted to get my To Do list ready for when I am in Salt Lake City at #FGS2015RootsTech Conference.   I knew that my great grandfather, his son, was born in Indiana and that great grandpa was a cabinet maker (there are still items he made in the family).   But, little was ever said about his father and mother.   Well, dig and dig some more -- using variations on names -- great grandpa's name was unusual, Casimer, but he claimed it was really C.P.  Then I tried  g-g grandpa as Ezra, as Ezra Peter, and as Peter.   Then, looking for either of Ezra's wives -- the man made this easy, they were both named Mary Ann.   BINGO!   Found Esra, Mary Ann and son Casimer.   And his occupation was cabinet and chair maker.  What a find!!!   But, now I have to find more and know more about him.

Happy Trails to me!!

#Genealogy #CensusSearch